例句 |
pouchesnounpl. of pouch a container made of a flexible material (as paper or plastic)we sealed the catnip in a cloth pouch and tossed it to the cat bags, pokes(chiefly Southern & Midland), sacks carryalls, portmanteaus(or portmanteaux), traveling bags, walletsbundles, packages, packets, packs, parcelsbackpacks, barracks bags, duffel bags, haversacks, knapsacks, rucksacks, satchels, toteshandbags, pocketbooks, purses, tote bagsditty bags, flight bags, garment bags, kit bags, shopping bags, work bags pouchesverbpresent tense third-person singular of pouchto extend outward beyond a usual pointas he grew older, the skin on his neck pouched bags, balloons, beetles, bellies, billows, bulges, bunches, juts, overhangs, pokes, pooches(chiefly dialect), pouts, projects, protrudes, stands out, starts, sticks out, swells domesblows up, inflatesdilates, distends, expandsmushrooms, snowballselongates, extends, lengthens, stretches compresses, condenses, constricts, contracts, shrinks |