例句 |
preceptnoun formala statement by an authority of how people should behavethe moral precepts of a religion axiom, fundamental, maximbylaw, ground rule, rule, reg, regulationcode, constitution, decalogue, directoryact, law, ordinance, statutebehest, charge, command, commandment, decree, dictate, direction, directive, edict, fiat, instruction, ordermoral, principle, valueban, interdiction, prohibition, proscription, restrictionconvention, custom, habit, manners, mores, practice(also practise), tradition, wayblueprint, canon, formula, guide, guideline, standard law, rule, regulation, precept, statute, ordinance, canon mean a principle governing action or procedure.law implies imposition by a sovereign authority and the obligation of obedience on the part of all subject to that authority.obey the law rule applies to more restricted or specific situations.the rules of the game regulation implies prescription by authority in order to control an organization or system.regulations affecting nuclear power plants precept commonly suggests something advisory and not obligatory communicated typically through teaching.the precepts of effective writing statute implies a law enacted by a legislative body.a statute requiring the use of seat belts ordinance applies to an order governing some detail of procedure or conduct enforced by a limited authority such as a municipality.a city ordinance canon suggests in nonreligious use a principle or rule of behavior or procedure commonly accepted as a valid guide.the canons of good taste in the 14th century |