例句 |
precipitatesnounpl. of precipitate a condition or occurrence traceable to a causethe exodus from the cities was an unexpected precipitate of the automobile, which effectively shrank distances aftereffects, aftermaths, backwashes, children, conclusions, consequences, corollaries, developments, effects, fates, fruits, issues, outcomes, outgrowths, products, resultants, results, sequels, sequences, upshots ramificationsdenouements(also dénouements), echoes(also echos), implications, repercussionsafterclaps, afterglows, aftershocksblowbacks, by-products, fallouts, offshoots, ripples, side effects(also side reactions), spin-offs matters of course antecedents, causations, causes, occasions, reasons considerations, determinants, factorsbases, bases, foundations, grounds, groundworksimpetuses, incentives, inspirations, instigations, stimulimothers, origins, roots, sources, springs precipitatesverbpresent tense third-person singular of precipitateto fall as water in a continuous stream of drops from the cloudsthe air mass was dry, as much of the moisture had precipitated out on the other side of the mountains pours, rains, storms showersspitshails, squallsdeluges, drowns, engulfs, floods, inundates, swamps rains cats and dogs drizzles, mists, mizzles, spits, sprinkles |