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tributenoun a formal expression of praisetributes were received from all over the world at the opera singer's farewell concert accolade, citation, commendation, dithyramb, encomium, eulogium, eulogy, homage, hymn, paean, panegyric, salutation award, decoration, dedication, honor, prizeacclaim, acclamation, laudationapplause, plaudit(s)bravo, hallelujah, kudoapproval, cachet, compliment, recommendation censure, condemnation, denunciation, indictment, rebuke, reprimand, reproofadmonition, correction, harangue, lecture, sermon encomium, eulogy, panegyric, tribute, citation mean a formal expression of praise.encomium implies enthusiasm and warmth in praising a person or a thing.received encomiums from literary critics eulogy applies to a prepared speech or writing extolling the virtues and services of a person.delivered the eulogy at the funeral service panegyric suggests an elaborate often poetic compliment.her lyrical memoir was a panegyric to her mentor tribute implies deeply felt praise conveyed either through words or through a significant act.the concert was a musical tribute to the early jazz masters citation applies to the formal praise of a person offered in a military dispatch or in awarding an honorary degree.earned a citation for bravery in the 14th century |