例句 |
debilitationnoun a gradual sinking and wasting away of mind or bodythe debilitation that all the prisoners of war had experienced during their captivity decay, decaying, declension, decline, degeneration, descent, deterioration, ebbing, enfeeblement, weakening atrophyexhaustiondrooping, flagging, limpingregression, relapse, setback comeback, improvement, rally, recovery, recuperation, rehabilitation, revitalization, snapback invigoration, strengtheningprogressrejuvenation, rejuvenescence the quality or state of lacking physical strength or vigorattributed the patient's general debilitation to an iron deficiency asthenia, debility, delicacy, enervation, enfeeblement, faintness, feebleness, fragility, frailness, frailty, infirmity, languidness, languor, listlessness, lowness, weakness, wimpiness decay, decrepitudebreakdown, collapse, prostrationexhaustion, fatigue, lassitude, wearinessdefenselessness, helplessness, impotence, impuissance, powerlessnesseffeteness, softness, tendernessdisablement, incapacitation, invalidismdamage, harm, hurt, impairment, injury hardihood, hardiness, robustness, strength, vigor energy, vitalitybrawniness, fitness, heftiness, huskiness, lustiness, muscularity, virilityhardness, ruggedness, stoutness, sturdiness, toughnesshealth, healthiness, soundness, wellness |