例句 |
deceasenoun the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activitiesin the event of the decease of the president, the vice president will immediately assume his duties curtains, death, demise, dissolution, doom, end, exit, expiration, expiry, fate, grave, great divide, passage, passing, quietus, sleep casualty, fatalitymartyrdom, self-destruction, self-murder, self-slaughter, suicideannihilation, destruction, ending, extermination, ruinassassination, execution, killing, massacre, slaughter birth, nativity existence, lifecreation, genesis, origination, rise deceaseverbto stop livingno one knows what happened to the family fortune after the spinster deceased check out, conk (out), croak(slang), demise, depart, die, drop, end, exit, expire, fall, flatline, go, kick in(slang), kick off(slang), part, pass (on), pass away, peg out(chiefly British), perish, pop off, step out, succumb predeceaseconsume, disappear, dry up, fade, fail bite the dust, buy it(or buy the farm), give up the ghost, kick the bucket, snuff it(British) breathe, live come to, revivelingerbe, exist, subsistflourish, prosper, thrive in the 14th century |