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storiesnounpl. of story a work with imaginary characters and events that is shorter and usually less complex than a novelhe's a talented writer, but his quirky stories will never find a wide readership narratives, novelettes, novellas(or novelle), short stories, tales, yarns bedtime storiesexempla, fables, parablesanecdotes(also anecdota), jokesfairy tales, folktales, legends, myths, romancesaccounts, annals, chronicles, histories, records, reports a brief account of something interesting that happened especially to one personallyGrandpa is always telling stories about what it was like growing up on a farm anecdotes(also anecdota), tales, yarns episodes, events, happenings, incidents, occurrencesrecitals, recitations a relating of events usually in the order in which they happenedgave us the whole story of the accident accounts, chronicles, chronologies, commentaries, histories, narrations, narratives, records, reports versionsdepositions, documentations, testaments, testimonials, testimonies, witnessesannals, blogs, diaries, journals, logbooks, logs, memoirsminutes, procès-verbauxanecdotes(also anecdota), tales, yarnsepics, sagasgests(or gestes), romancesrecitals, recitationscase histories, case studies a rumor or report of a personal or sensational naturestories going around that the old man had died with thousands of dollars hidden under his mattress canards, tales, whispers dirt, gossip, scuttlebutt, talebearings, talks, tattlesdirty laundrydefamations, libels, slandershearsayfables, fabrications, fairy tales, falsehoods, falsities, fibs, lies, mendacities, prevarications, untruths, whoppers a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceiveshe tells stories just to get attention, so don't believe that stuff about her father being somebody important fables, fabrications, fairy tales, falsehoods, falsities, fibs, lies, mendacities, prevarications, tales, taradiddles(or tarradiddles), untruths, whoppers distortions, exaggerations, half-truthsambiguities, equivocations, obliquitiesdefamations, libels, slandersperjuriesbluffs, fictions, poses, pretenses(or pretences)humbug, jives, nonsensecanards, fallacies, misconceptions, mythsfalsifications, misinformations, misreports, misrepresentations, misstatementsdeceits, dishonesties, duplicities, fraudulences truths facts, truisms, veritieshonesties, veracitiesauthentications, confirmations, substantiations, validations, verifications the unfolding of events in a dramatic or literary workthe story proceeds at a pace that many readers will find a bit too leisurely actions, plots, story lines subplotsarcs, developmentsdesigns, outlines, plans, schemesarguments, mythoi, subjects, themes position with regard to conditions and circumstancesmanagement is trying to figure out what the story is with the accident down in the warehouse ball games, deals, footings, pictures, postures, scenes, situations, statuses ranks, standingsplaces, spots, statesscores, status quos |