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straitnoun a narrow body of water between two land massesas the ship headed east through the Strait of Gibraltar, Spain was on our left and Africa on our right channel, narrows, neck, sound arm, bay, gulf, inletroads, roadsteadreach, stretch often straits pl.a state of great suffering of body or mindin great straits over the loss of her mother's cherished necklace affliction, agony, anguish, distress, excruciation, hurt, misery, pain, rack, torment, torture, travail, tribulation, woe discomfortcross, crucible, trialheartache, heartbreak, joylessness, sadness, sorrow, unhappinessemergency, pinchasperity, difficulty, hardship, rigorache, pang, smarting, soreness, stitch, throe, twingedanger, jeopardy, trouble comfort, consolation, solacealleviation, assuagement, ease, reliefpeace, securitywell-being juncture, exigency, emergency, contingency, pinch, strait (or straits) crisis mean a critical or crucial time or state of affairs.juncture stresses the significant concurrence or convergence of events.an important juncture in our country's history exigency stresses the pressure of restrictions or urgency of demands created by a special situation.provide for exigencies emergency applies to a sudden unforeseen situation requiring prompt action to avoid disaster.the presence of mind needed to deal with emergencies contingency implies an emergency or exigency that is regarded as possible but uncertain of occurrence.contingency plans pinch implies urgency or pressure for action to a less intense degree than exigency or emergency.come through in a pinch strait, now commonly straits, applies to a troublesome situation from which escape is extremely difficult.in dire straits crisis applies to a juncture whose outcome will make a decisive difference.a crisis of confidence in the 13th century |