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pressnoun a built-in space for storage behind a doorput the towels in the linen press closet, cuddy, cupboard, pantry ambry(chiefly British dialect), buttery(chiefly dialect), larder, spence(chiefly British dialect)cloakroom, coatroom, garderobe, vestiary, wardrobe a great number of persons or creatures massed togetherhe pushed his way through the press of people outside the courthouse army, bike(chiefly Scottish), cram, crowd, crush, drove, flock, herd, horde, host, legion, mass, mob, multitude, rout, scrum, swarm, throng masses, millions, rabble, rabblement, riffraffgaggleheap, mountain, pilejam, logjam a storage case typically having doors and shelvesoriginally designed as a press for clothes, it now serves to hide the bedroom TV buffet, cabinet, closet, console, cupboard, hutch, locker, sideboard bookcase, breakfront, chest, china closet, credence, credenza, étagère(or etagere), secretary, showcase, taboret(or tabouret), vitrinecuddy, dresser, pie safearmoire, clothespress, garderobe, wardrobecabinetry, shelving pressverb1to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual rightthe fleeing bank robber pressed a nearby taxi into service as a getaway car appropriate, arrogate, commandeer, convert, expropriate, pirate, preempt, seize, take over, usurp annex, attach, claim, confiscate, impound, repossess, sequesterassume, collar, grab, grasp, snatch, steal, wrench, wrestdespoil, loot, pillageencroach, infringe, invade, occupy, preoccupy, trespassembezzle, misapply, misappropriate, misuse, peculate pressverb2to push steadily against with some forcean old doorbell that requires you to press the button hard bear (down on), depress, shove, weigh (on or upon) compress, mash, punch, squash, squeeze, squish, squooshcompel, force, pressurelean (on or against), muscledrive, propel, thrustcompact, condense, constrict, contract, crush, scrunch, wringcram, jam, jam-pack, pack, stuff, wedge to apply external pressure on so as to force out the juice or contents ofmy family will only drink juice from freshly pressed oranges to gather into a closely packed groupeveryone pressed around me to see the pictures bunch, cluster, crowd, huddle, pile assemble, collect, concenter, concentrate, conglomerate, congregate, convene, converge, flock, forgather(or foregather), herd, swarm, throngencircle, mob, surroundembrace, hug break up, disband, disperse, split (up) to force one's waywe continued to press deeper and deeper into the tangled rain forest bore, bull, bulldoze, crash, elbow, jam, jostle, muscle, push, shoulder, squeeze ram, shove, thrust to cause (a person) to give in to pressurea manager pressed by a business crisis to return from his vacation ahead of schedule blackjack, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, drive, force, impel, impress, make, muscle, obligate, oblige, pressure, sandbag browbeat, bulldoze, bully, cow, hector, intimidateblackmail, high-pressure, menace, shame, terrorize, threatendragbadger, harass, hound twist one's arm allow, let, permitargue, convince, induce, move, persuade, prevail (on or upon), satisfy, talk (into), win (over) to try to persuade (someone) through earnest appeals to follow a course of actionpressed us to go with them to the school board meeting egg (on), encourage, exhort, goad, nudge, prod, prompt, urge drive, propel, spur, stimulatehurry, hustle, push, rushadjure, beseech, implore, importuneblandish, cajole, coax, soft-soap, wheedlehigh-pressure, nag, needle, pressurefoment, incite, instigate, provoke, stir (up) deter, discourage, dissuadebrake, check, constrain, curb, hold back, inhibit, restrain to indicate the importance of by centering attention onan office e-mail that presses the need for greater vigilance concerning building security accent, accentuate, emphasize, feature, foreground, highlight, illuminate, play up, point (up), punctuate, stress focus, identify, pinpoint, spotlightadvertise, boost, plug, promote, publicizeoverplay bear down on, make much of de-emphasize, play down tone (down), underemphasize, understatebelittle, discount, disparage, minimize in the 13th century |