例句 |
declaimedverbpast tense of declaim to give a formal often extended talk on a subjectover the last two centuries some of the most illustrious personages of their times have declaimed in the town's historic lyceum descanted, discoursed, expatiated, harangued, lectured, orated, spoke, talked recited, soliloquizeddisserted, expounded, pontificated, sermonizedmouthed, spoutedfilibustered held forth, took the floor to talk as if giving an important and formal speechhe declaimed at some length about the nation's obligation to spread democratic values around the world discoursed, harangued, mouthed (off), orated, perorated ranted, ravedblew, bloviatedlectured, preached, sermonizedadvertised, announced, broadcast(also broadcasted), declared, proclaimed, pronouncedspeechified, spoke, talked |