例句 |
triumphingverbpresent participle of triumph to achieve victory (as in a contest)despite an accident early on, the runner persevered and ultimately triumphed conquering, prevailing, winning overcoming, sweepingsqueaking, squeezingcontending, vyingsucceedingbreezing, romping carrying the daykicking butt losing collapsing, failing, flopping, folding, washing outfloundering, strugglingdeclining, slipping, slumping, waning to feel or express joy or triumphthe team triumphed by hoisting their coach into the air and carrying her off the field crowing, delighting, exuberating, exulting, glorying, joying, jubilating, kvelling, rejoicing gloating, preening, swellingboasting, braggingflaunting, parading, showing off, strutting, swaggering kicking up one's heels bemoaning, bewailing, grieving, lamenting, regretting, weeping |