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trivialadjective lacking importancewhy spend so much time on trivial decisions, like whether the soda should be regular or diet? fiddling, foolish, frivolous, incidental, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, little, Mickey Mouse, minor, minute, negligible, nugatory, slight, small, small-fry, trifling, unimportant jerkwater, one-horsenickel-and-dime, paltry, petty, small-time, worthlessanonymous, nameless, obscure, uncelebrated, unknown neither here nor there big, consequential, eventful, important, major, material, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, unfrivolous, weighty decisive, fatal, fatefulchief, dominant, overbearing, overmastering, overriding, principaldistinctive, exceptional, impressive, outstanding, prominent, remarkablevaluable, worthwhile, worthydistinguished, eminent, great, illustrious, preeminent, prestigiousfamous, notorious, renownedall-important, basic, essential, fundamental, key so small or unimportant as to warrant little or no attentionfigured that restaurant customers wouldn't notice such a trivial surcharge on their bill chicken, de minimis, footling, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, measly, Mickey Mouse, minute, negligible, niggling, no-account, nominal, paltry, peanut, petty, picayune, piddling, piddly, piffling, pimping, slight, trifling inferior, meanimperceptible, inappreciablelittle, puny, tinyhairsplitting, nitpicking, pettifogging, quibblingone-horse, small-fry, two-bit big, consequential, considerable, important, material, significant serious, substantial, weightyeventful, momentous, pivotalconspicuous, noteworthy, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, strikingappreciable, discernible(also discernable), measurable in 1589 |