例句 |
inoperableadjective not being in working orderwe have several inoperable cars on the property down, inoperative, kaput(also kaputt), malfunctioning, nonfunctional, nonfunctioning, nonoperating brokenoffdeactivated, deadlocked, ineffective, ineffectual, nonproductive, unproductive, unusable, unworkable, useless on the blink, on the fritz, out of commission functional, functioning, operable, operant, operating, operational, operative, running, working effective, effectual, employable, performing, producing, productive, serving, usable(also useable), useful, viable, workable not capable of being put to use or accounta delightfully creative but inoperable plan for building a theme park in the area impracticable, impractical, nonpractical, unserviceable, unusable, unworkable, useless unsuitableinaccessible, unattainable, unavailable, unobtainable, unreachabledead, dormant, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inert, inoperative, latentarrested, interrupted, suspendedunrealistic applicable, feasible, functional, operable, operational, practicable, practical, serviceable, ultrapractical, usable(also useable), useful, utilizable, workable accessible, acquirable, available, obtainable, procurable, reachableall-around(also all-round), handyactive, alive, busy, employed, functioning, operating, operative, running, working in 1886 |