例句 |
inscribeverb to cut (as letters or designs) on a hard surfacepaid a jeweler to inscribe their names and wedding date on their wedding rings engrave, etch, grave, incise, insculp(archaic) carve, chisel, sculpt, sculpturechase, groove, indent, notchscore, traceaffix, impress to add (a person) to a list or roll as a participant or memberinscribed the couple in the society of sustaining donors to the museum enroll(also enrol), list, matriculate, register enlist, impanel, inductconscript, draft, musterwait-listbook, schedulecheck in delist check offexclude, expel, expunge, rejectomit, overlook to put (someone or something) on a listinscribed his name on the list of those to be executed catalog(or catalogue), enroll(also enrol), enter, index, list, put down, record, register, schedule, slate book, card, file, noteclassify, compile, tabulate, tallyreschedule delete in the 15th century |