例句 |
inspirationnoun something that arouses action or activityShe traveled cross-country seeking inspiration for her next book. He credits his mother as his inspiration for becoming a social worker. motivationencouragement, galvanization, goad, incentive, inducement, induction, jog, prod, spur, stimulant, stimulation, stimulusboost, excitement, impetus, incitation, incitement, instigation, momentum, provocation, yeastcatalyzer, fuel, sparkantecedent, cause, impulse, occasion, reasondeterminant, expedient, factor, influence, ingredient, mechanism, toolenticement, lure counterincentivedisincentivesubduing the ability to form mental images of things that either are not physically present or have never been conceived or created by othersThey were a group of young artists filled with inspiration. contrivance, creativity, fancy, fantasy(also phantasy), ideation, imagination, imaginativeness, invention, inventiveness, originalitybrainstorm, brainstormingfecundity, fertilityingenuity, resourcefulnessversatilitychimera, daydream, delusion, dream, figment, hallucination, illusion, mind's eye, mirage, phantasm(also fantasm), pipe dreamenvisaging, visualization literality, literalness a feeling of ease from grief or troubleThe return of summer brought with it a new sense of inspiration. cheer, comfort, consolation, relief, solaceencouragement, upliftassurance, reassurancealleviation, assuagement, mitigationcontentment, gladness, happiness cold comfortanguish, distress, heartache, heartbreak, torment, torture in the 14th century |