

单词 deflated
例句 deflatedverbpast tense of deflate

to become smaller in size or volume due to loss of contentsWe kept her birthday decorations up until the balloons started deflating.

collapsed, contracted, flattened, shrank(or shrunk)compressed, condensed, constrictedshriveled(or shrivelled), wilted, withereddried up, mummified, wizeneddripped, leaked, oozed, seeped, trickledabated, decreased, diminished, dwindled, lessenedreceded, retreated, withdrew

ballooned, inflated, puffed (up)blew up, bulked, distendeddilatedexpanded, snowballed, swelledaccumulated, grew, increasedmushroomed

to make smaller in size or volume by removing the contentsPlease deflate the air mattress and fold it up before you leave.

drained, emptiedcollapsed, flattenedcleared, evacuated, exhausted, vacated, vacuated, voidedbled, drafted, drew (off), pumped, siphoned(also syphoned), tappedmilkedsuckeddecanted, effuseddepletedcleaned, flushed, purgedbored, drilled, holed, perforated, pierced, punched, punctured, riddledbroachedpoked, pricked, prickledpenetratedburrowed (into), excavated, gouged, grooved, hollowedbroke, cut, gashed, notched, rent(also rended), ruptured, slashed, slit, splitcompressed, condensed, constricted, contracted, shrank(or shrunk)capsuled, capsulized, compacted, constringed, narrowed (down), squeezed, telescoped

filledblew up, dilated, distended, inflated, swelledpatched, plugged, sealed

to make or become lower in amount or valueThe excess supply deflated prices.The company's stock has deflated.

crashed, cratered, declined, descended, dipped, dived(or dove), dropped, fell, lowered, nose-dived, plummeted, plunged, sank(or sunk), skidded, tumbledattenuated, broke, cheapened, depreciated, depressed, devaluated, devalued, downgraded, marked down, reduced, wrote down, wrote offabated, decreased, de-escalated, died (down), diminished, drooped, dwindled, ebbed, lessened, let up, moderated, subsided, tapered off, wanedreceded, retreateddebased, demonetizedunderestimated, underpriced, underrated, undervalued

accumulated, ballooned, built, burgeoned(also bourgeoned), enlarged, escalated, expanded, grew, increased, intensified, mushroomed, picked up, snowballed, swelled, waxedarose, ascended, lifted, mounted, rose, soared, spiked, uppedappreciated, enhanced, marked up, upgraded

to cause to lose force or effectivenessHer cutting remark deflated his ego.The lawsuit deflated their hopes for a quick resolution.

threw cold water ondebilitated, enfeebled, undermined, weakeneddamped, dampened, deadenedchilled, daunted, demoralized, discouraged, disheartened, dismayed, dispirited, frustrated, unmanned, unnervedbrowbeat, bullied, cowed, intimidateddepressed, saddened, weighedafflicted, trieddistressed, troubledbothered, irked, vexed(also vext), worriedfrightened, horrified, scared

enforced, fortified, reinforced(also reenforced), strengthenedemboldened, encouraged, heartened, nerved, steeledanimated, enlivened, invigoratedbuoyed (up), cheered, gladdenedassured, boosted, energized, excited, galvanized, inspired, lifted, provoked, quickened, rallied, reassured, stimulatedstirred





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