例句 |
pressurenoun the burden on one's emotional or mental well-being created by demands on one's timea business executive who works well under pressure strain, stress, tension load, weightanxiety, concern, uneasiness, worryaggravation, anger, annoyance, exasperation, irritation, persecution, trouble comfort, consolation the use of power to impose one's will on anotherpressure from their peers can often cause teens to do things that they normally wouldn't consider arm-twisting, coercion, compulsion, constraint, duress, force browbeating, bulldozing, bullyingfear, intimidation, menace, sword, terror, terrorism, threat, violencesqueeze, squeeze playmight, muscle, potency, puissance, strengthhardheadedness, self-will, willfulnessstrain, stress agreement, approval, consent, permissionconvincing, persuasion, reason, suasion pressureverbto cause (a person) to give in to pressurehis father pressured him to go out for the swim team blackjack, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, drive, force, impel, impress, make, muscle, obligate, oblige, press, sandbag browbeat, bulldoze, bully, cow, hector, intimidateblackmail, high-pressure, menace, shame, terrorize, threatendragbadger, harass, hound twist one's arm allow, let, permitargue, convince, induce, move, persuade, prevail (on or upon), satisfy, talk (into), win (over) in the 14th century |