例句 |
pricenoun the amount of money that is demanded as payment for somethingI really wanted to buy that shirt, but the price was more money than I had ante, charge, cost, damage, fee, figure, freight, price tag fair market value, market value, valuation, valueasking price, list price, sticker priceprice point, rate, tariff, unit pricecarrying charge, overcharge, service charge(also service fee), surchargededuction, discount, markdown, reduction, saledepositdown paymentaccount, bill, check, invoice, tab the loss or penalty involved in achieving a goalI finished the project, but the price was losing a night's sleep cost expense, tolldamages, forfeit, forfeiture, mulct, sacrificeante, risk something offered or given in return for a service performedthere was a price on the criminal's head bounty, reward bonus, lagniappe, premiumbonanza, jackpot, treasure troveaward, decoration, distinction, honor, plume, prize, trophygratuity, tipdesert(s), wages in the 13th century |