例句 |
pricesnounpl. of price the amount of money that is demanded as payment for somethingI really wanted to buy that shirt, but the price was more money than I had antes, charges, costs, damages, fees, figures, freights, price tags fair market values, market values, valuations, valuesasking prices, list prices, sticker pricesprice points, rates, tariffs, unit pricescarrying charges, overcharges, service charges(also service fees), surchargesdeductions, discounts, markdowns, reductions, salesdepositsdown paymentsaccounts, bills, checks, invoices, tabs the loss or penalty involved in achieving a goalI finished the project, but the price was losing a night's sleep costs expenses, tollsdamages, forfeits, forfeitures, mulcts, sacrificesantes, risks something offered or given in return for a service performedthere was a price on the criminal's head bounties, rewards bonuses, lagniappes, premiumsbonanzas, jackpots, treasure trovesawards, decorations, distinctions, honors, plumes, prizes, trophiesgratuities, tipsdeserts, wages |