例句 |
pridesnounpl. of pride an asset that brings praise or renownan architectural and acoustical masterpiece, the concert hall is the pride of the whole city boasts, credits, crown jewels, glories, honors, jewels, treasures, trophies pièces de résistance, showpiecesattractions, features, highlightsdistinctions, excellences, merits, values, virtues feathers in one's cap disgraces, dishonorsblemishes, blots, defects, shames, slurs, smirches, smudges, stains, stigmas(or stigmata)eyesores, frights, horrors, messes individuals carefully selected as being the best of a classcrackerjack test pilots who are the pride of the navy's air arm A-lists, aristocracies, best, choices, corps d'elite, creams, crème de la crème, elect, elites, fat, flowers, illuminati, picks, pinks, priesthoods, primes, royalties, upper crusts establishments, gentries, nobilities, qualities, societies, top drawers, tops, upper classescaviars(also caviares)who's whos Halls of Fame commoners, herds, hoi polloi, masses, millions, mobs, multitudes, rank and files, unwasheds pridesverbpresent tense third-person singular of prideto think highly of (oneself)he prides himself on the quality of his writing flatters, piques, plumes boasts, brags, crows, gasconades, swaggers, swanks, swashes, vapors, vauntscongratulates, felicitates |