例句 |
studionoun a building in which things are madeHe had a small art studio downtown. She headed to the studio to record her first album. atelier, workplace, workroomfactory, manufactory, mill, plant, shop, works, workshopsweatshopyard a small private dwelling that is one of a group of dwellings in one building or blockThey were looking for a larger apartment, but decided instead to rent a studio because of its central location. studio apartmentbed-sitter(also bedsit or bed-sitting-room, British), cohousing, condo, condominium, duplex, duplex apartment, efficiency, efficiency apartment, flatlet(British), floor-through, garden apartment, granny flat(chiefly British), maisonette, penthouse, railroad flat, salon, saloon(chiefly British), triplex, walk-upgallery, wingapartment building, apartment house, tenement houseapartment, diggings(chiefly British), digs, flat(chiefly British), lodgings, suite, tenement in 1800 |