例句 |
studiosnounpl. of studio a building in which things are madeHe had a small art studio downtown. She headed to the studio to record her first album. ateliers, workplaces, workroomsfactories, manufactories, mills, plants, shops, works, workshopssweatshopsyards a small private dwelling that is one of a group of dwellings in one building or blockThey were looking for a larger apartment, but decided instead to rent a studio because of its central location. studio apartmentsbed-sitters(also bedsits or bed-sitting-room, British), cohousings, condominiums(also condominia), condos, duplex apartments, duplexes, efficiencies, efficiency apartments, flatlets(British), floor-throughs, garden apartments, granny flats(chiefly British), maisonettes, penthouses, railroad flats, salons, saloons(chiefly British), triplexes, walk-upsgalleries, wingsapartment buildings, apartment houses, tenement housesapartments, diggings(chiefly British), digs, flats(chiefly British), lodgings, suites, tenements |