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denotationnoun a word or combination of words by which a person or thing is regularly known"soul" is the common denotation for that mysterious force within the human body that gives it life and yet is separate from it appellation, appellative, cognomen, compellation, denomination, designation, handle, moniker(also monicker), name, nomenclature, title baptismal name, Christian name, first name, forename, given namefamily name, maiden name, middle name, surnamematronymic, patronymicbyname, diminutive, epithet, hypocorism, nickname, sobriquet(also soubriquet)banner, rubric, tagalias, cryptonym, nom de guerre, nom de plume, pen name, pseudonymbinomial, monomialtrivial name, vernacularmisnomerbrand name, label, trademark, trade name the idea that is conveyed or intended to be conveyed to the mind by language, symbol, or actionalthough most people exercise for fitness, the denotation of the term "fitness" varies from exerciser to exerciser content, drift, import, intent, intention, meaning, purport, sense, significance, signification connotationclue, cue, hint, implication, indication, inkling, intimation, suggestionmessage, tenor, themebottom, essence, essentiality, nature, soul, spirit, stuffacceptance, acceptation, definitionburden, crux, gistcore, heart, kernel, marrow, nub, nucleus, pith, point, quickmatter, motif, motive, question, subject, topic ca. 1532 |