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instrumentnoun a written or printed paper giving information about or proof of somethinga valid will is a legal instrument certificate, certification, document credentialsdiploma, parchmentrecordwarrant, writwarrantycoupon, voucher an article intended for use in workalways choose the right instrument for any woodworking job device, implement, tool, utensil apparatus, appliance, mechanismcontraption, contrivance, gadget, gizmo(also gismo), jiggeraccessory(also accessary), accoutrement(or accouterment), adjunct, appendage, attachment something used to achieve an endhe sees scouting as an instrument for building character in young people agency, agent, instrumentality, machinery, means, medium, ministry, organ, vehicle determinant, expedient, factor, influence, ingredient, mechanism, toolweaponactivator, animator, catalyst, driver, energizer, executor, generator, impetus, incentive, inspiration, instigation, instigator, launcher, mover, power, stimulus, triggerantecedent, cause, occasion, reasonsubagency, subagent one that is or can be used to further the purposes of anotherthe claim that the scientists are mere instruments of the tobacco companies, who pay them to produce findings that are highly suspect cat's-paw, lay figure, pawn, puppet, tool chump, dupe, foil, gull, sucker, victimminion, stoogelap dog, yes-man implement, tool, instrument, appliance, utensil mean a relatively simple device for performing work.implement may apply to anything necessary to perform a task.crude stone implements farm implements tool suggests an implement adapted to facilitate a definite kind or stage of work and suggests the need of skill more strongly than implement.a carpenter's tools instrument suggests a device capable of delicate or precise work.the dentist's instruments appliance refers to a tool or instrument utilizing a power source and suggests portability or temporary attachment.household appliances utensil applies to a device used in domestic work or some routine unskilled activity.kitchen utensils in the 14th century |