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intelligencenoun the ability to learn and understand or to deal with problemshigh scores on this test supposedly demonstrate great intelligence brain(s), brainpower, gray matter, headpiece, intellect, intellectuality, mentality, reason, sense, smarts eggheadedness, highbrowism, intellectualismbraininess, brillianceacumen, alertness, apprehension, astuteness, discernment, discriminability, insight, judgment(or judgement), perception, percipience, perspicacitycommon sense, horse sense, mother witaptitude, talentsagacity, sapience, wisdom, withead, mind, skull denseness, density, doltishness, dopiness, dullness(also dulness), dumbness, fatuity, feeblemindedness, foolishness, half-wittedness, idiocy, imbecility, senselessness, simpleness, slowness, stupidity a report of recent events or facts not previously knownusually received the latest intelligence about how the war was going 411(slang), advice(s), gen(chiefly British), info, information, item, news, story, tidings, uncos(chiefly Scottish), word announcement, bulletin, communication, correspondence, dispatch, message, reportagedope, lowdown, scoop, tidbit(also titbit), tipgossip, rumor, tale, tattlefeedbackdisinformation, propaganda exceptional discernment and judgment especially in practical mattersas head of the customer service department, he has handled complaints and disputes with unfailing intelligence and good humor acumen, astuteness, caginess(also cageyness), canniness, clear-sightedness, foxiness, hardheadedness, keenness, knowingness, sharpness, shrewdness, wit discernment, insight, perception, perceptiveness, perceptivity, percipience, sagaciousness, sagacity, sageness, sapience, wisdomartfulness, artifice, craft, craftiness, cunning, deviousness, guile, slickness, slyness, sneakiness, subtleness, subtlety, wilinessbrain(s), gray matter, intellect, reason, sense artlessness, greenness, guilelessness, ingenuousness, innocence, naiveness, naïveté(also naivete or naiveté), simplemindedness, simpleness, simplicity, unsophistication, unworldlinessbrainlessness, density, doltishness, dopiness, dumbness, fatuity, foolishness, half-wittedness, mindlessness, oafishness, obtuseness, senselessness, slowness, stupidity, stupidness, vacuity, witlessness in the 14th century |