例句 |
intercessorsnounpl. of intercessor one who works with opposing sides in order to bring about an agreementeventually, they hired an intercessor, because they were getting nowhere on their own brokers, buffers, conciliators, go-betweens, honest brokers, interceders, intermediaries, intermediates, interposers, mediators, middlemen, peacemakers troubleshootersmoderatorsbargainers, negotiants, negotiatorsappeasers, pacificators, pacifiers, reconcilersagents, attorneys, deputies, factors, procurators, proxiesliaisons, mediums(or media)ambassadors, emissaries, envoys, legates, messengersdelegates, representativesbusybodies, interferers, meddlersarbiters, arbitrators, judges, referees, umpiresadvisers(also advisors), counselors(or counsellors) |