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productnoun something produced by physical or intellectual effortthat biography is the product of years of work a rebuilt car which is the product of several people's labor affair, fruit, handiwork, labor, output, produce, production, thing, work, yield article, commodity, entry, objectgoods, line, merchandise, wareshandcraft, handicraftaftereffect, aftermath, conclusion, consequence, corollary, development, effect, issue, outcome, result, resultant, sequel, sequence, upshotby-product, derivative, offshoot, offspring, outgrowth, residual, side effect(also side reaction), spin-off a condition or occurrence traceable to a causeher relentless ambition is a product of her home environment aftereffect, aftermath, backwash, child, conclusion, consequence, corollary, development, effect, fate, fruit, issue, outcome, outgrowth, precipitate, result, resultant, sequel, sequence, upshot ramificationdenouement(also dénouement), echo, implication, repercussionafterclap, afterglow, aftershockblowback, by-product, fallout, offshoot, ripple, side effect(also side reaction), spin-off matter of course antecedent, causation, cause, occasion, reason consideration, determinant, factorbase, basis, foundation, ground, groundworkimpetus, incentive, inspiration, instigation, stimulusmother, origin, root, source, spring in the 15th century |