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proffernoun something which is presented for considerationa generous proffer of his baronial estate for the charity gala offer, proposal, proposition, suggestion counteroffer, counterproposal, countersuggestionfeeler, overturemotionadvancement, nomination, recommendationbid, presentation, submission, submittal, tenderarrangement, game, ground plan, layout, line, plan, plot, project, strategy, systemconception, idea, notion, theory, thought profferverbto put before another for acceptance or considerationproffered his assistance in helping the two sides reach a compromise extend, give, offer, tender, trot out pose, proposehold outgive in, submitvolunteer run by(or run past) accept, receive, takeaccredit, approbate, approve, authorize, clear, confirm, finalize, formalize, homologate, OK(or okay), ratify, sanction, warrantdecline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, turn down, vetorebuff, rebut, refuse, spurnretract, withdrawdisregard, ignore, neglect, overlook to set before the mind for considerationproffered a novel solution for getting themselves out of debt advance, bounce, offer, pose, propose, propound, suggest, vote movenominate, recommendpresent, submit, tender, trot outfile, lay, lodgearrange, calculate, chart, contrive, cover, frame, map, plan, plot, shape put forth, put forward in the 14th century |