例句 |
prognosticatingnoun a declaration that something will happen in the futurebecause there are always unforeseen breakthroughs in every field, in the past most prognosticatings have fallen short auguring, augury, bodement, cast, forecast, forecasting, foretelling, predicting, prediction, presaging, prognosis, prognostic, prognostication, prophecy(also prophesy), soothsaying, vaticination foreboding, harbinger, omen, portent, prevision, prospectus, signanticipation, foreknowledgeforesightconjecture, guess, surmise prognosticatingverbpresent participle of prognosticateto tell of or describe beforehandusing current trends to prognosticate what the workplace of the future will be like auguring, calling, forecasting, foretelling, predicting, presaging, prophesying, reading, vaticinating alerting, cautioning, forewarning, warningboding, foreboding(also forboding), portending, promisinganticipating, divining, foreknowing, foreseeingannouncing, declaring, heralding, proclaiming describing, narrating, reciting, recounting, relating, reporting, telling |