例句 |
programnoun a listing of things to be presented or considered (as at a concert or play)the program will tell us the scheduled order of musical numbers agenda, calendar, docket, schedule, timetable card, dance card, exercises, platearrangement, order, ordering, organization, sequence, setup bill of fare a method worked out in advance for achieving some objectivewe need to come up with a program to deal with kids skipping school arrangement, blueprint, design, game, game plan, ground plan, master plan, plan, project, road map, scheme, strategy, system collusion, conspiracy, plotcontrivance, device, gambit, maneuver, ruse, stratagem, subterfuge, trickcounterplan, counterstrategymeans, tactic, technique, wayprocedure, protocolconception, idea, projet, proposal, specific(s), specification(s)aim, intent, intention, purposediagram, formula, layout, map, pattern, platform, policy, recipe, setup a way of acting or proceedingrecommends a program of regular dental checkups course, line, methodology, policy, procedure blueprint, design, plan, scheme, strategyintent, intention, purposeapproach, direction, method, path, pathway, tack in 1633 |