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progressnoun forward movement in time or placewe're making slow progress against this stiff headwind advance, advancement, furtherance, going, headway, march, onrush, passage, process, procession, progression current, drift, flow, flux, stream, wayadvent, approach, arrival, coming, nearingbound, jump, leap, step, strideimpetus, momentum recess, recession, regress, regression, retreat, retrogression backwash, ebb, refluxretraction, return, reversal, reverseabout-face, turnabout, turnaround the act or process of going from the simple or basic to the complex or advancedthe rapid progress of medical science in the last century development, elaboration, evolution, expansion, growth, progression advancement, betterment, improvement, perfection, refinementincubation, maturation, maturing, ripeningblossoming, flourishing, floweringaddition, augmentation, enhancement, supplementationemergence, evolvement, metamorphosis regress, regression, retrogression, reversion backslide, lapse, relapsedecadence, decay, decaying, declension, declination, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, degradation, descent, deterioration, devaluation, downfall, downgrade, ebbing, falling, weakening progressverbto become maturegenerally a species progresses from simple forms to more specialized forms age, develop, grow, grow up, mature, ripen mellow, softenbloom, blossom, burgeon(also bourgeon), flourish, floweropen, unfoldadvance, evolveget along, get on, gray(also grey) decay, decline, degenerate, deteriorate, sink, worsendroop, dry, fade, flag, sag, shrivel, wane, waste (away), weaken, wilt, witherregress, retrogress, revertbackslide, lapse, return to move forward along a courseour wedding plans are progressing nicely advance, come, come along, do, fare, forge, get along, get on, go, go along, go off, march, pace, proceed accelerate, fast-forward, speedapproach, nearjourney, pass, repair, run, travel, wendactuate, drive, impel, propel, pushtake out gain ground remain, stand, stay, stop arrest, balk, block, check, detain, halt, hinder, hold back, impede, nip, obstruct, slow (down or up), stemrepress, retard, stunt, suppressdelay, interrupt, stallcramp, hamper, inhibitcease, let up, pauseregresswait in the 15th century |