例句 |
deposeverb to remove from a position of prominence or power (as a throne)a military junta deposed the dictator after he had bankrupted the country defrock, deprive, dethrone, displace, oust, uncrown, unmake, unseat, unthrone can, cashier, discharge, dismiss, fire, muster out, remove, retire, sackoverthrow, subvert, supplant, topple, usurpbanish, boot (out), bounce, cast out, chase, drum (out), eject, expel, extrude, rout, run off, throw out crown, enthrone, throne baptize, inaugurate, induct, initiate, install, instate, investappoint, designate, elect to make a solemn declaration under oath for the purpose of establishing a factshe was nervous when the time to depose before the jury finally arrived attest, swear, testify, witness verifyvouchpromise, vow bear witness to arrange something in a certain spot or positiondeposed her fan and gloves on the dressing table deposit, dispose, emplace, fix, lay, place, position, put, set, set up, situate, stick move, rearrange, reorder, shiftorientestablish, locate, plant, settleclap, flop, plank, plop, plump, plunk(or plonk), plunk down, slapensconce, nicheassemble, collectcarryberth, parkaffix, anchor, lock, lodge, wedgearray, lay out, line up, queue, rankset down relocate, remove, takebanishdislodge, displace, replace, supersede, supplant in the 14th century |