例句 |
depositsnounpl. of deposit a collection of things kept available for future use or needa deposit of ammunition under lock and key caches, hoards, reserves, stores budgets, funds, nest eggsarmories, arsenals, banks, pools, reservoirs, stockpiles, stocks, suppliesaccumulations, assemblages, collections, gatherings a sum of money set aside for a particular purposemade a deposit at the bank every week accounts, budgets, funds, kitties, nest eggs, pools chests, coffersassets, savings, savings accountsbankrolls, caches, collections, cushions, hoards, pocketbooks, reserves, treasurespetty cashes, pin money, pocket moneys, spending moneys depositsverbpresent tense third-person singular of depositto put in an accountwe quickly deposited the check in a bank account banks caches, hoards, lays away, reserves, salts away, saves, squirrels (away), stashes, stores, stowsinvests withdraws removes, takes outdisburses, expends, gives, lays out, pays, spends to arrange something in a certain spot or positiondeposited their luggage at the foot of the hotel bed deposes, disposes, emplaces, fixes, lays, places, positions, puts, sets, sets up, situates, sticks moves, rearranges, reorders, shiftsorientsestablishes, locates, plants, settlesclaps, flops, planks, plops, plumps, plunks(or plonks), plunks down, slapsensconces, nichesassembles, collectscarriesberths, parksaffixes, anchors, locks, lodges, wedgesarrays, lays out, lines up, queues, rankssets down relocates, removes, takesbanishesdislodges, displaces, replaces, supersedes, supplants |