例句 |
deprecationsnounpl. of deprecation refusal to accept as right or desirableconsidering that he's a member of the old school, his deprecation of contemporary manners isn't surprising disapprobations, disapprovals, discountenances, disesteems, disfavors, dislikes, displeasures disrelishes, distastesrejections, thumbs-downsblames, censures, condemnations, criticisms, denunciations, dispraises, opprobriums, reprehensions, reproaches, reprobationsantagonisms, antipathies, hostilitiesbelittlements, disparagements, objections, oppositions approbations, approvals, favors acclaim, commendations, praisesendorsements(also indorsements), sanctions, thumbs-upsempathies, sympathies the act of making a person or a thing seem little or unimportantshe had low self-esteem, so she made up for it with a near-constant deprecation of other people belittlements, denigrations, depreciations, derogations, detractions, diminishments, disparagements, put-downs aspersions, calumnies, defamations, libels, slanders, vilificationsderisions, mockeries, ridiculesabuses, invectives, vituperationscensures, condemnations, criticisms, denouncements, denunciationsde-emphases, minimizations aggrandizements, ennoblements, exaltations, glorifications, magnifications acclaim, praisesapprobations, approvals, blessings, commendationshypes, pufferies |