例句 |
derisionnoun a person or thing that is made fun ofafter yet another last place finish, the team became nothing more than a derision to all but its most loyal fans butt, jest, joke, laughingstock, mark, mock, mockery, sport, target chump, dupe, fall guy, fool, gull, monkey, pigeon, sap, sucker, victim darling, favorite, pet the making of unkind jokes as a way of showing one's scorn for someone or somethingtheir absurd behavior on the awards show became a source of derision for comedians mockery, ridicule, sport contempt, disdain, scornbelittlement, deprecation, disparagementcatcall, insult, put-downlaughter, snickeringburlesque, caricature, mimicry, pasquinade, satire applause, approval, commendation, praise in the 14th century |