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subjectnoun a major object of interest or concern (as in a discussion or artistic composition)the subject of our discussion switched from who would be the next president to who was the greatest president in the nation's history content, matter, motif, motive, question, theme, topic subject mattertalking pointcount, idea, point, purposeconsideration, issue, problembody, bulk, burden, centerpiece, core, crux, essence, fundamental, generality, gist, grist, heart, kernel, keynote, main, marrow, mass, net, nub, nubbin, nucleus, pith, pivot, purport, quick, staple, substance, sumbasisbottom, essential, essentialityaffair, argument, debate aside, digression, excursion, interjection, parenthesis, tangent a person who owes allegiance to a government and is protected by itbecause of the tense situation in that country, British subjects were advised to return home as soon as possible something (as a belief) that serves as the basis for another thinghe has no subject to protest this time, but that's never stopped him before account, authority, grounds, motive, reason, wherefore, why antecedent, cause, consideration, impetus, incentive, inspiration, instigation, occasion, stimulus subjectverbto bring under one's control by force of armsAttila the Hun subjected most of Europe to his barbaric pillage conquer, dominate, overpower, pacify, subdue, subjugate, subordinate, vanquish annihilate, beat, clobber, crush, defeat, drub, lick, mow (down), overcome, prevail (over), reduce, rout, skunk, smash, thrash, triumph (over), trounce, wallop, whipenslavebreak, clamp down (on), crack down (on), put down, quash, quell, repress, silence, smother, snuff (out), squash, squelch, suppress discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, free, liberate, manumit, release, spring, unbind, uncage, unchain, unfetter n.citizen, subject, national mean a person owing allegiance to and entitled to the protection of a sovereign state.citizen is preferred for one owing allegiance to a state in which sovereign power is retained by the people and sharing in the political rights of those people.the rights of a free citizen subject implies allegiance to a personal sovereign such as a monarch.the king's subjects national designates one who may claim the protection of a state and applies especially to one living or traveling outside that state.American nationals working in the Middle East in the 14th century |