例句 |
intermediaryadjective occupying a position equally distant from the ends or extremesthe bridal couple were regally ensconced in intermediary seats at the head table central, halfway, intermediate, medial, median, mediate, medium, mid, middle, midmost equidistantinmost, inner, innermost, nearestbetwixt and between, borderline, gray(also grey), in-between extreme, farthest, farthermost, furthermost, furthest, outermost, outmost, remotest, utmost outer, peripheral intermediarynounone who works with opposing sides in order to bring about an agreementin the past he's served as an intermediary in several hostage situations broker, buffer, conciliator, go-between, honest broker, interceder, intercessor, intermediate, interposer, mediator, middleman, peacemaker troubleshootermoderatorbargainer, negotiant, negotiatorappeaser, pacificator, pacifier, reconcileragent, attorney, deputy, factor, procurator, proxyliaison, mediumambassador, emissary, envoy, legate, messengerdelegate, representativebusybody, interferer, meddlerarbiter, arbitrator, judge, referee, umpireadviser(also advisor), counselor(or counsellor) in 1777 |