例句 |
intermediateadjective being about midway between extremes of amount or sizewith a compact being too small and a van too large, we settled on an intermediate-sized sedan average, mean, median, medium, middle, middling, midsize(also midsized), moderate, modest reasonablecommon, commonplace, conventional, normal, popular, regular, routine, standard, typical, usualadequate, passable, tolerable excessive, extremeexceptional, rare, strange, uncommon, unusualdistinctive, idiosyncratic, special, uniqueindividual, peculiar, private occupying a position equally distant from the ends or extremesalthough the party activists tend to back candidates with somewhat extreme views, ordinary voters generally prefer the intermediate aspirant central, halfway, intermediary, medial, median, mediate, medium, mid, middle, midmost equidistantinmost, inner, innermost, nearestbetwixt and between, borderline, gray(also grey), in-between extreme, farthest, farthermost, furthermost, furthest, outermost, outmost, remotest, utmost outer, peripheral intermediatenounone who works with opposing sides in order to bring about an agreementshe often used her father as an intermediate in arguments with her mother broker, buffer, conciliator, go-between, honest broker, interceder, intercessor, intermediary, interposer, mediator, middleman, peacemaker troubleshootermoderatorbargainer, negotiant, negotiatorappeaser, pacificator, pacifier, reconcileragent, attorney, deputy, factor, procurator, proxyliaison, mediumambassador, emissary, envoy, legate, messengerdelegate, representativebusybody, interferer, meddlerarbiter, arbitrator, judge, referee, umpireadviser(also advisor), counselor(or counsellor) intermediateverbto act as a go-between for opposing sidesif the secretary-general chooses to intermediate in this dispute, he'll need all of his diplomatic skills just to get both sides in the same room intercede, interpose, intervene, mediate butt in, interfere, intrude, meddle, obtrude, pry, snooparbitrate, moderate, negotiate, refereebarge (in), botherbreak (in), chime in, cut ininfringe, invade, trespass stand byavoid, eschew, shundisregard, ignore, overlook in the 15th century |