例句 |
interpretationnoun a statement that makes something clearthat's one possible interpretation of that cryptic remark clarification, construction, elucidation, exegesis, explanation, explication, exposition, illumination, illustration, road map paraphrase, restatement, translationannotation, comment, commentary, epexegesis, glossdeciphering, decodingdisentanglement, unscramblinganalysisedification, enlightenmentdefinition, meaningdemonstration, enactmentjustification, rationale, rationalization, reasoningcaution, caveat, warning a presentation of an artistic work (as a piece of music) from a particular point of viewa sensitive interpretation of a piece that is a touchstone for violinists account, performance, reading, rendition, version adaptation, reworking, variation a distinct treatment of something (as a story or a play)a very Freudian interpretation of The Nutcracker riff, take, variation versionadaptation, translation in the 14th century |