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substancenoun the basic elements from which something can be developedmany thought that the mayor's speech lacked substance because specific proposals for solving the city's problems were few making, material, raw material, stuff, timber possibility, potential, potentialitymatter, metal the quality or qualities that make a thing what it istireless caring and nurturing that was the very substance of maternal love being, essence, essentiality, nature, quiddity, quintessence, soul, stuff heart, spiritalpha and omega, center, core, keynote, marrow, pith, seatembodiment, epitome, incarnation, manifestation, personificationaspect, attribute, feature, propertygist, kernel, nub name of the game the total of one's money and propertymeasure the worth of a person not by his earthly substance but by his good deeds assets, capital, fortune, means, opulence, riches, wealth, wherewithal, worth belongings, chattels, effects, holdings, paraphernalia, possessions, thingsbankroll, deep pockets, finances, funds, money, walletabundance, affluence, prosperity, successtreasure, valuablesaccession, acquisition, personal property, personalty, propertynest egg, reserve, resources, savings, treasury debts, liabilitiesindebtedness one that has a real and independent existencethe question of whether the soul is a substance entirely independent of the body being, commodity, entity, existent, individual, individuality, integer, object, reality, something, thing body, subjectmaterial, matter, quantity, stuff nonentity in the 14th century |