例句 |
substantiatesverbpresent tense third-person singular of substantiate to gain full recognition or acceptance ofsubstantiated his claim to local mountaineering fame with a photo of himself on the summit of Mount McKinley demonstrates, establishes, proves, shows attests, authenticates, bears out, documents, evidences, supports, sustains, upholdsconfirms, corroborates, justifies, validates, verifies disproves confutes, discredits, invalidates, rebuts, refutes to give evidence or testimony to the truth or factualness ofMr. MacGregor couldn't substantiate that it was Peter, and not some other rabbit, in the cabbage patch argues, attests, authenticates, bears out, certifies, confirms, corroborates, supports, validates, verifies, vindicates avouches, backs (up), testifies (to), vouches (for), witnessesguarantees, warrantsaffirms, asserts, avers, avows, declares, professesdemonstrates, documents, establishes, proves, reinforces(also reenforces) disproves, rebuts, refutes contradicts, gainsaysdenies, disavows, disclaimschallenges, contests, disputes, questions to represent in visible formthe artist's intense feelings are substantiated by his paintings' bold colors and broad brush strokes bodies, embodies, epitomizes, expresses, externalizes, incarnates, incorporates, instantiates, manifests, materializes, personalizes, personifies actualizes, concretizes, realizesexemplifies, illustrates, images, objectifies, symbolizes, typifies disembodies to show the existence or truth of by evidencesubstantiate the need for a tuition increase with some concrete figures demonstrates, documents, establishes, proves, validates backs (up), buttresses, circumstantiates, corroboratesevidences, evinces, records, supports, upholds, witnessesadduces, attests, authenticates, certifies, identifiesconfirms, sustains, verifies, vouchesclinches, nails, settlesconfesses, deposes, testifies disproves, rebuts, refutes challenges, disputes, objectsalleges, assumes, conjectures, guesses, presumes, surmises, suspects to provide evidence or information for (as a claim or idea)Darwin spent the rest of his life gathering evidence to substantiate his theory of the origin of species backs, bolsters, buttresses, corroborates, reinforces(also reenforces), shores (up), supports confirms, establishes, proves, verifiesaffirms, avouches, validates undercuts, undermines, weakens |