例句 |
descriptionsnounpl. of description a vivid representation in words of someone or somethingwe immediately recognized the man from our cousin's description of him definitions, delineations, depictions, pictures, portraits, portraitures, portrayals, renderings, sketches, vignettes accounts, anecdotes(also anecdota), chronicles, narratives, reports, stories, tales, yarnsdemonstrations, exemplifications, illustrationsclarifications, elucidations, explanations, explications, expositions a number of persons or things that are grouped together because they have something in commonfixes small appliances and other things of that description breeds, classes, feathers, genres, ilks, kidneys, kinds, likes, manners, natures, orders, sorts, species, strains, stripes, types, varieties modelssamples, specimensbrackets, bunches, categories, divisions, families, grades, groupings, groups, lots, persuasions, ranks, sets, suites |