例句 |
designatesverbpresent tense third-person singular of designate to decide upon (the time or date for an event) usually from a position of authoritythe designated time for the meeting appoints, fixes, names, sets adopts, assigns, chooses, determines, establishes, opts (for), picks, pins (down), prefers, selects, settles, singles (out), specifiesarranges, coordinates, orchestratesadvertises, announces, declares, publishes to pick (someone) by one's authority for a specific position or dutyhe has yet to designate his successor as head of the firm appoints, assigns, attaches, commissions, constitutes, details, names, nominates, places authorizes, delegates, deputes, deputizesanoints, consecrates, creates, inaugurates, inducts, installs, instates, institutes, invests, makes, ordainscrowns, enthrones, throneschooses, destines, drafts, elects, handpicks, selects, singles (out), votes (in) discharges, dismisses, expels, fires blackballs, deposes, dethrones, displaces, ejects, evicts, ousts, overthrows, removes, throws out, uncrowns, unmakes, unseats to give a name tohe was designated "Air Jordan" by his fans baptizes, calls, christens, clepes(archaic), denominates, dubs, entitles, labels, names, nominates, styles, terms, titles brands, stigmatizes, tagsdenotes, specifiesmiscalls, misnames, mistitlescode-names, nicknamesrechristens, relabels, renamessurnames |