例句 |
banknoun1 a number of things considered as a unita bank of telephones set up for the telethon array, assemblage, band, batch, battery, block, bunch, clot, clump, cluster, clutch, collection, constellation, group, grouping, huddle, knot, lot, muster, package, parcel, passel, set, suite accumulation, aggregate, aggregation, conglomerationagglomeration, assortment, hodgepodge, jumble, miscellany, mixture, odds and ends, sundries, varietycycle, run, series, suit the whole kit and caboodle entity, item, single, unit a series of people or things arranged side by sidea bank of elevators rank, row chain, column, cue, file, line, procession, queue, range, string, trainechelon, tierarray, concatenation, sequence banknoun2a pile or ridge of granular matter (as sand or snow)a bank of dirt that the construction workers left behind bar, drift, mound snowbank, snowdriftembankment, sandbarheap, hill, mass, mountain, stack, tuft bankverbto form into a pile or ridge of earthbanked sand into little mounds on the beach hill, mound heap, pile, pyramid, stackembankbunch, bundle, clump, lump, mass, wadaccumulate, amass, assemble, collect, conglomerate, gather, group to put in an accountshe always banks half of her paycheck deposit cache, hoard, lay away, reserve, salt away, save, squirrel (away), stash, store, stowinvest withdraw remove, take outdisburse, expend, give, lay out, pay, spend in the 13th century |