例句 |
inventivenessnoun the ability to form mental images of things that either are not physically present or have never been conceived or created by othersthe artist's fertile inventiveness allows her to put on canvas landscapes that have never been trod by mortal feet contrivance, creativity, fancy, fantasy(also phantasy), ideation, imagination, imaginativeness, invention, originality brainstorm, brainstorming, inspirationfecundity, fertilityingenuity, resourcefulnessversatilitychimera, daydream, delusion, dream, figment, hallucination, illusion, mind's eye, mirage, phantasm(also fantasm), pipe dreamenvisaging, visualization literality, literalness the skill and imagination to create new thingsthe contention that, in order to prosper, cities must attract young, well-educated people of great inventiveness in both the arts and high technology cleverness, creativeness, creativity, imagination, imaginativeness, ingeniousness, ingenuity, innovativeness, invention, originality fecundity, fertility, fruitfulness, productiveness, productivity, prolificacy, prolificity, prolificnesscapableness, resourcefulnessgenius, giftedness, talentfire, inspiration, muse dryness, dullness(also dulness) |