例句 |
investingverbpresent participle of invest to cause (as a person) to become filled or saturated with a certain quality or principleinvested the film with his own enthusiasm for the wonders of flight enduing(or induing), imbuing, inculcating, infusing, ingraining(also engraining), inoculating, steeping, suffusing animating, charging, enlivening, invigorating, leaveningimplanting, instilling, plantingimpregnating, permeating, pervading, saturatingdeluging, drowning, filling, flooding, inundating, overwhelming, submerging depriving, divesting, strippingclearing, emptyingeliminating, removing, taking (away) to furnish freely or naturally with some power, quality, or attributea woman invested with the strong desire to make the world a better place blessing, endowing, enduing(or induing), favoring, gifting equipping, providing, supplyingbestowing (on or upon), clothing, conferring (on), coveringaccording, awarding, grantingempowering, enabling, enhancing, enriching, heighteningbequeathing, willing dispossessing, divesting, strippingdepleting, draining, exhaustingskimping, stinting to give official or legal power toinvested him with power of attorney accrediting, authorizing, certifying, chartering(British), commissioning, empowering, enabling, licensing(also licencing), qualifying, vesting, warranting approving, clearing, credentialing(also credentialling), endorsing(also indorsing), OK'ing(or okaying), sanctioningaffirming, confirming, validatinginaugurating, inducting, initiating, installing, instating, swearing inallowing, letting, permittingenfranchising, entitling, privileging disqualifying banning, barring, blocking, constraining, denying, disallowing, disbarring, discouraging, disenfranchising, disfranchising, excluding, hindering, holding back, impeding, inhibiting, obstructing, preventing, shutting out, stoppingenjoining, forbidding, interdicting, outlawing, prohibiting, proscribing, vetoing to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothesa fashion designer who has invested a number of the winners of the best actress award appareling(or apparelling), arraying, attiring, bedecking, caparisoning, clothing, costuming, decking (out), doing up, dressing, dressing up, enrobing, garbing, garmenting, getting up, gowning, habiting, rigging (out), robing, suiting, togging (up or out), toileting, vesturing cloaking, frocking, jacketing, mantling, vestingdraping, enswathing, happing(dialect), huddling, swaddling, swathing, wrappingaccoutring(or accoutering), bedighting(archaic), equipping, furnishing, habilitating, outfitting, tailoring, uniformingdressing down, underdressing disarraying, disrobing, stripping, unclothing, undressing, untrussing(archaic) denuding, divesting, uncovering, undraping, unveiling to put into an office or welcome into an organization with special ceremoniesthe beloved actor was finally invested as a knight by the queen baptizing(also baptising), inaugurating, inducting, initiating, installing, instating, seating swearing inconsecrating, enshriningaccepting, admitting, receiving, taking inenlisting, enrolling canning, discharging, firing, terminatingmustering out to surround (as a fortified place) with armed forces for the purpose of capturing or preventing commerce and communicationthe city was mercilessly invested for an entire year, but never fell beleaguering, besieging, blockading, leaguering(archaic) barricading, blocking, cutting off, damming, encirclingassailing, assaulting, attacking, besettingconfining, insulating, isolating, quarantining laying siege to emancipating, freeing, liberating, releasing, rescuing to surround or cover closelynightfall invested the land bosoming, bowering, circumfusing, cocooning, embosoming, embowering, embracing, enclosing(also inclosing), encompassing, enfolding, enshrouding, enswathing, enveloping, enwrapping, involving, lapping, mantling, muffling, shrouding, swathing, veiling, wrapping curtaining, drapingembedding(also imbedding), encasingswaddlingblanketing, overlaying, overspreadingcamouflaging, cloaking, disguising, maskingcircling, encircling, enlacing, enwinding baring, denuding, exposing, stripping |