例句 |
deviatesnounpl. of deviate a person who has sunk below the normal moral standarda sleazy bar that seemed to be an informal clubhouse for deviates backsliders, debauchees, debauchers, decadents, degenerates, libertines, perverts, pervs, profligates, rakehells, rakes, rips bankrupts, delinquents, derelicts, incorrigiblesblackguards, cads, heels, knaves, miscreants, rascals, reprobates, rogues, scoundrels, villainslechers, playboys, playgirls, satyrs saints deviatesverbpresent tense third-person singular of deviateto change one's course or directionsailors forced to deviate from their course in order to avoid the storm detours, diverges, sheers, swerves, swings, turns, turns off, veers, wheels tacks, zigzagsdoubles (back), turns back |