例句 |
suchlikeadjective having qualities in commonkept asking me how long I'd lived here, and how I liked it, and suchlike questions akin, alike, analogous, cognate, comparable, connate, correspondent, corresponding, ditto, like, matching, parallel, resemblant, resembling, similar, such commensurate, proportionatetantamount, virtualallied, congeneric, congenerous, congenial, connatural, kin, kindred, relatable, relatedapproaching, approximating, close, coextensive, coincident, conformable, conforming, consistent, consonant, duplicate, equal, equivalent, fungible, identical, indistinguishable, interchangeable, me-too, redundant, same, selfsame, substitutable, synonymous, twinentire, homogeneous, homogenous, unchanging, uniform, unvaried, unvarying on the order of different, dissimilar, diverse, unakin, unlike disparate, distinct, distinguishable, nonequivalent, noninterchangeablevariable, varied, various, varyingimprecise, inaccurate, inexactunconnected, unrelated in the 15th century |