例句 |
rooknoun a person who is just starting out in a field of activityevery year the coaches have to deal with rooks who don't know the rules yet abecedarian, apprentice, babe, beginner, colt, cub, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, novice, novitiate, punk, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro, virgin bootamateur, dabbler, dilettantelearner, student, traineecandidate, entrant, probationer old hand, old-timer, vet, veteran expert, master, pro, professional rookverbto rob by the use of trickery or threatsonce you learn to recognize these swindler's tricks, no one will be able to use them to rook you beat, bilk, bleed, cheat, chisel, chouse, con, cozen, defraud, diddle, do, do in, euchre, fiddle, fleece, flimflam, gaff, gyp, hose(slang), hustle, mulct, nobble(British slang), pluck, ream, rip off, screw, shake down, short, shortchange, skin, skunk, squeeze, stick, stiff, sting, sucker, swindle, thimblerig, victimize extort, wrench, wrest, wringclip, gouge, nick, overcharge, soakexploit, milkdeceive, dupe, fool, gull, trickrope (in)betray, bitch, double-crossbamboozle, fast-talk sell a bill of goods to, take for a ride, take to the cleaners before the 12th century |