例句 |
psychenoun an immaterial force within a human being thought to give the body life, energy, and powerdisturbing, enigmatic paintings that seem to embody the psyche of this brilliant but troubled artist soul, spirit life, vitalitybeing, essence, quintessence body, flesh the part of a person that feels, thinks, perceives, wills, and especially reasonsa novel that explores the psyche of a depressed teen brain, cerebrum, head, mind, thinker belfry, gray matter, intellect, intelligence, loaf(British slang), noodle, reason, skullacumen, alertness, astuteness, brilliance, insight, judgment(or judgement), mentality, perception, perspicacity, sagacity, sapience, wisdom, witawareness, cognizance, consciousness, self-awareness, self-consciousness in 1590 |